please make a saddle for the new iPhone 6
I used the saddle with my iPhone 5 to train for my first 5K. Of course, I upgraded to the iPhone 6. I sure hope you'll make a saddle for the new iPhone soon.

Thank you for your feedback. Unfortunately, we do not have any immediate plan for this. For the time being, we are focusing our efforts on the website and app development front. I apologize for any inconvenience.
Bryan commented
It's been a year since the declination... Any plans now?
Peg Yehl commented
I agree I'm dying for the saddle for my iPhone6!!! HATE the one I had to go with - I miss my saddle!!!!!!
Murat commented
I agree that a new saddle would be nice. I also have the old saddle and an iPhone 6. I have been using the saddle with the 6. I just place the bottom where it would normally sit and stretch the top over. It covers part of the screen, but does not seem to interfere with any of the dashboard of the app.
Anonymous commented
It's sad that you don't have it for the iPhone 6, I really love the saddle.
ed commented
Agreed. My entire time would like to have the option of this product. I was much better than what is available for 6/6+
jstone commented
Yes, we want a Saddle for the iPhone 6. Don't leave us in the lurch Digifit!
Michael commented
Digifit has removed Saddle from its website.
Anonymous commented
C'mon Digifit!!! Can't you at least SAY if you plan to make a saddle for the iPhone 6?? We've been asking for 3 months now. At give us a hint before everyone left moves to a Garmin watche.
Michael commented
I NEED the iPhone 6 saddle. Where do I preorder?
Anonymous commented
I have used the iPhone saddle with my iPhone 4s for about 9 month, I use it at the Gym, running, and biking and I love it. I was sad to find out that Digfit is not going to support a saddle For the IPhone 6, I was able to use my saddle 4 with some stretching in the interim, I figured if the saddle 4 works, a saddle 5 will work much better because of the length, so I ordered and received my saddle 5 and it is almost perfect, I was going to post pictures of the IPhone 6 in a saddle 5 but no place to up load the photos. Bob K
Krunkpower commented
Yes, Saddle for iPhone 6 Plus!!! Pretty please!
RIckM commented
I'd like to see a Saddle for the iPhone 6 Plus. If you are creating one for the iPhone 6, please consider also producing an edition for the 6 plus.
Camelus commented
Received my iPhone 6 September 19 and have been checking the Digifit site every day since for an announcement of a saddle for it. Will there be one? Is there anyone at Digifit who can respond to these questions about a saddle for the iPhone 6?
Melissa commented
yes, please! I also have an iphone 6 now, and am going to miss being able to use my saddle!
lenow commented
I woud also love your case for the iphone 6. Have used the digi fit saddle for my iphone 5s for a long time doing TRX workouts and need it for the iphone 6.
runninggirl commented
I second this! Please make a saddle for the iPhone 6. Ideally, it should accommodate a thin case as well (e.g., Apple's own leather case).