Offer Full Spin Classes for sale and download
Create packaged videos of great instructors, doing a 1 hour spin class workout. Instructor tells you what cadence to be at, what HR% you should be at , at each interval. All of this runs as a video on your iphone and you are hooked up to your Digi-Fit application using the Polar H7 or equivalent. Of course it comes with a Driving Playlist that you are listening to with headphones along with the instructors voice over.
We could then upload our digi-fit workout sessions and compare those against others who are taking the EXACT same class ! How great is that.

Thank you for the great feedback. We have looked into this but determined this is a separate set of core competencies required and have decided to decline.
Howard Beech commented
love this idea
Todd Basche commented
And. Instructors could all be creating great classes and selling them online at either Digi-fit web site or on Itunes. This would be a revenue stream for instructors. We would all share and geed feedback and soon the best instructors would be rock stars in the online spin world. If they did a bit in the class to refer to digi-fit and rate zones etc, they could perhaps split royalties with Digi-fit. Digi-fit could help produce the videos .