Route Workout Option Selection
I take different routes in my Walk/Run and would like the ability to separate each route so I can compare and monitor improvements in speed or HR doing the same route. Under the Workout, the drop down Option, would be great to show personalized routes or workouts. Right now I am using the Spin, or Hike, Walk or Run to separate different workouts, but it be much better if the named routes could be selected.

Helge Damsholt commented
Workaround is to Export each workout to csv, import those to Excel and compare the currBPM for each workout by doing a Graph with the Columns, (you will need to copy the currBPM column for each to a new sheet where you can organize the workouts in columns and rename header to date)
Select all on new sheet and hit Graph/Line.But you are right, this functionality should be in Digifit, At least in MVP where one should be able to compare Months/Weeks etc. to really visualize improvement over time.
The choice right now is to use standardized Fitness Assessments like CP30 etc